Sister Supporter is a pro-choice, anti-harassment organisation, founded by local Ealing residents in November 2015. We successfully campaigned for a Public Space Protection Order outside our local Marie Stopes clinic, after more than two decades of intimidation and harassment of women by the anti-abortion lobby. However, this gender-biased intimidation doesn't just affect Ealing - many other clinics are also targeted. We are now working towards achieving a national solution because we believe that those who wish to exercise their legal right to healthcare should be free to do so without interference and judgement.
We are not anti-religion, nor are we pro-abortion. We are, however, opposed to anyone, with any agenda, placing themselves outside health facilities in order to discourage or deter access. This includes religious groups conducting prayer vigils in the immediate vicinity.
“ I joined Sister Supporter because I could no longer ignore the cruelty and emotional blackmail I was witnessing whenever I walked past the Marie Stopes clinic”
— Sarah Mackey, Volunteer